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【导读】华图贵州公务员考试网同步贵州华图发布:2024银行秋招必做300题-The passage is primarily concerned with ( ).,详细信息请阅读下文!更多资讯请关注“贵州华图官网(//gz.huatu.com/)”,贵州公务员培训咨询电话:0851-85829568/85866569
【导读】贵州银行招聘信息网同步贵州华图发布:六大行笔试题必做300题;详细信息请阅读下文!如有疑问请加【专属客服】,备考贵州银行招聘,为你推荐备考用书,免费网课。更多资讯请关注贵州华图银行招考微信公众号(gzhtjr) 。
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Passage 5
The original Olympic Games started in Greece more than 2,000 years ago. There games were a religious festival, and at their height, lasted for five days. Only men could compete, and the sports included running, wrestling, and chariot racing.
Today’s Olympic Games are quite a bit different. First, there are two varieties: Winter Olympics and Summer Gymnastics. They are each held every four years, but not during the same year. They alternate so that there are Olympic Games every two years. The Olympics are no longer held only in one country, they are hosted by different cities around the world. The opening ceremony is a spectacular display, usually incorporating the traditional dances and culture of the host city.
The highlight of the opening ceremony is the lighting of the Olympic flame. Teams of runners carry the torch from Olympic the site of the ancient Greek games. Although the games have changed greatly throughout the centuries, the spirit of competition is still alive. The flame represents that spirit.
19. The passage is primarily concerned with ( ).
A. justifying the existence of the Olympic Games
B. explaining all about the games in Ancient Greece
C. discussing the differences between Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics
D. comparing the modern Olympic Games to those in Ancient Greece
20. The author mentions “traditional dances and culture of the host city” in order to ( ).
A. give an example of how the opening ceremony is so spectacular
B. explain the differences among the different host cities
C. show that Ancient Greek games were quite boring by contrast
D. make an analogy to the life of the Ancient Greeks
21. The author’s tone in the passage can best be described as ( ).
A. disinterested
B. upbeat
C. gloating
D. Depressing
22. The lighting of the torch is meant to symbolize ( ).
A. the destruction caused in Ancient Greece
B. the spirit of Ancient Greek competition
C. the rousing nature of the games
D. the heat generated in competition
23. Which of the following is the author most likely to discuss next? ( )
A. The origin of the Ancient Greek games
B. The future of the Winter Olympics
C. Discussing of the types of sports that are played at the Olympics
D. The reasons that the Ancient Greek games ended